Attack in Syria Push Dollar Down

The US, France, and the UK attacked chemical weaponry facilities in Syria over the weekend.

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১৬ এপ্রি, ২০১৮
Attack in Syria Push Dollar Down

On Saturday President Trump followed through on his promise to retaliate against the chemical attack on civilians reportedly issued by Assad’s forces. Backed by allies France and the United Kingdom, the United States fired over 100 missiles to a few key locations in Syria that are responsible for chemical weaponry.

Even though Russia and Syria’s government have condemned the attack, right now further escalations of the conflict are not expected. Due to this, the American dollar dropped somewhat in value, with the Dollar index hitting 89.24. The markets eased a little, since they expected a swift reaction from Russia but did not get one, leading to the current temporary calm.

Other than the counter-attack in Syria, the United States has also hinted at imposing additional sanctions on Russia because of its support for Assad’s regime and the chemical attack.

The US dollar depreciated against the euro, the Japanese yen, and the British pound, among others.

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