China Ready to Accept the Challenge

Economic News
২৩ মার্চ, ২০১৮
China Ready to Accept the Challenge

This week the Fed raised interest rates as expected, so now the rate is 1.75% and will be increased twice this year. Yesterday during a press conference of the Bank of England they also announced a decision on interest rates. Although there were two supporters skyrocketing, the other board members thought otherwise, so the rate remained unchanged at 0.75%,  as expected actually. In spite of this, like the US dollar, the British pound after the publication ebbed.

The White House with their loud statements are quite able to unleash a trade war between the US and China, after Trump's statements that a tax may be introduced in the amount of $50 billion on Chinese imports. Chinese authorities have said they do not want to get into a trade war. However, if this happens, then they will accept the challenge. After an exchange of courtesies between the two countries, energy has increased significantly in price.

Trump Adds More Tariffs

Economic News

Trump Adds More Tariffs

The US plans to hit China hard with new tariffs, which has shocked the global markets once again.

২৩ মার্চ, ২০১৮
Interest Rates, the UK, and China: Market Overview

Economic News

Interest Rates, the UK, and China: Market Overview

২২ মার্চ, ২০১৮
Dovish Hike for the USD

Economic News

Dovish Hike for the USD

The Federal Reserve increased interest rates in an anticipated move, but the dollar lost ground.

২২ মার্চ, ২০১৮