Your Money is Safe with Us!

Company News
01 Eyl 2015
Your Money is Safe with Us!

One thing we at SuperForex value and deeply care about is the safety of our clients’ funds.

In order to assure you that we secure your money in the most reliable way possible, we would like to tell you more about our policy of segregated funds.

What do we mean by segregated? To put it simply, it means that the places where company money and customers’ money are kept, are separated. That is, SuperForex’s operational funds are segregated from the money you deposit and trade with.

This policy comes with a number of benefits. For one thing, you can be sure at all times that the money you deposit to your account is used only for your trading and the transactions associated with that. No other company operations are carried out using customers’ money.  This is also an insurance against any misfortunes that might befall the company. For instance, if a brokerage company goes bankrupt, thanks to the segregation of funds clients would still be able to access their money in their entirety.

This is how through our policy of keeping your money segregated we ensure that your funds are always safe and ready at your disposal. With SuperForex you can rest assured that you are in safe hands.

SuperForex is Social!

Company News

SuperForex is Social!

24 Ağu 2015
SuperForex Partnership Program

Company News

SuperForex Partnership Program

17 Ağu 2015