Exchanging Tariffs Begins

Economic News
01 de jun. de 2018
Exchanging Tariffs Begins

A trade war has almost started. The administration of Donald Trump announced the introduction of tariffs on steel and aluminium imported from Canada, Mexico, and the EU. Responses were immediate: the Mexican government announced that they would impose tariffs on rolled metal products and cheese from the United States. The EU and Canada said they will introduce proportional tariffs on steel products, aluminium, and more from July 1.

In Italy a government will soon be formed and the new prime minister will be Giuseppe Conte, a 53-year-old law professor, who has not been involved in politics.

Wilbur Ross, the US Secretary of Trade will go to Beijing this weekend to continue the talks with Vice Premier Liu Xe on topics including ZTE Corp. and trade.

Tariffs Hit the EU

Economic News

Tariffs Hit the EU

The United States are about to announce whether the EU will be permanently exempt from tariffs or not.

31 de mai. de 2018
Markets Turn Around

Economic News

Markets Turn Around

31 de mai. de 2018
Italy in Crisis

Economic News

Italy in Crisis

The country is preparing for new snap elections this summer.

30 de mai. de 2018