Market Highlights

Lots is going on today with the USD, oil, and euro.

Economic News
04 sty 2018
Market Highlights

Quite a lot is going on in the world today that is affecting many instruments on the financial markets, such as the protests in Iran, talks of US involvement, and a renewed negative rhetoric with North Korea. Here is what we think you should pay attention to today if you want to craft the most profitable deals.

The United States is publishing an important monthly report on employment rates, as well as a statistic on weekly unemployment claims. Tomorrow there will also be a report on employment outside of the agricultural sector, so together this new data could affect the USD’s pairs. The dollar already received a small boost yesterday due to positive manufacturing reports.

Oil, of course, remains in the spotlight. The tensions in Iran where citizens are protesting against their entire governmental system could possibly impair the country’s ability to produce and export oil at its regular rates (Iran is the third most prolific member of OPEC). The decreasing supply of oil leads prices to go up, so we have seen the black gold touch new highs these past recent days.

In addition, the eurozone PMI came at 58.1, the best number since 2011, indicating that the economies of Europe are steadily growing and performing well.

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Economic News

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