SuperForex IB Training Seminar in Jakarta

SuperForex recently organized a special training event for our Introducing Broker partners in Jakarta.

09 maj 2017

SuperForex IB Training Seminar in Jakarta

The main goal of these SuperForex seminars for Introducing Brokers is to show how easy trading on the Forex market can be with the proper training, as well as how to attract new customers and get more profit from their trades.

The SuperForex training seminars are designed to be helpful to Introducing Brokers from all levels of proficiency - not only experienced ones, but also beginners. At this particular event we met a lot of Forex newcomers who were also able to gain useful insights. The main topics covered during the seminar dealt with different strategies for building a successful business by using our Local Deposit Facility and marketing approaches that utilize our wide range of promo materials. In addition, the participants in our seminars asked a lot about our SuperForex Money offer and the company support available for offline marketing promotions.

The CEO of SuperForex was present to shed light on all of these questions; he also gave a motivational talk on How to Be a Successful IB with SuperForex.

We would like to express our thanks to all participants. We would be glad to see you again on our next events in Indonesia and Malaysia.
