Introduction to Forex in Kano, Nigeria.

Our first seminar in Kano.

19 de jun. de 2019

On June 15 we held a special trading seminar in Kano, Nigeria, which was attended by 60 people. Here are some highlights from the event.

The chief purpose of this training seminar was to provide an overview and introduction to the basics of Forex trading to members of the local trading community. We focused on key concepts and strategies that traders need to understand in order to do well on the market. We also touched upon important technical indicators and candlestick patterns. In addition, we discussed how SuperForex is developing in Nigeria and what specialized services we have for clients from this region.

Robert Thompson


Seminar in Windhoek, Namibia. June 8, 2019.

We continue the series of seminars in Windhoek.

Robert Thompson
11 de jun. de 2019


Seminar in Kota Salatiga, Indonesia. May 24, 2019.

We held a free trading seminar at the Hotel Le Beringin.

Robert Thompson
28 de mai. de 2019


Series of training classes in Benin City

We held a free 3-day series of training classes.

Robert Thompson
15 de mai. de 2019