Trading seminar in Lagos, Nigeria

This event gathered around 30 local traders.

11 сент. 2020 г.

This gathering was a proper training seminar attended by roughly 30 people. It was an advanced seminar focused on identifying some of the most profitable strategies out there, and learning when to use each one. We had two expert speakers at this event - John Igwe and Paul Monday Ebosede.

Igwe is veteran Forex coach, whose familiarity with a variety of trading styles makes him great at teaching others. Ebosede, on the other hand, is a prominent investment guru and has an excellent eye for profitable opportunities.

Robert Thompson


Seminar in Lagos, Nigeria

We held a training event in Lagos on September, 5 2020

Robert Thompson
11 сент. 2020 г.


We held a trading seminar in Abeokuta, Nigeria

Around 40 local traders joined us on this event.

Robert Thompson
26 авг. 2020 г.


We held a big event in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Around 50 traders from Tanzania joined us on that day.

Robert Thompson
20 авг. 2020 г.