主要奖项$1000 | 获奖名额12+1 |
比赛/轮的时期2024年8月1日 - 2024年8月31日 | |
This round will finish:2024年8月31日 |
Register for the demo contest to get a free demo account precharged with $2000 of SuperForex virtual currency. You will then have a month to trade cryptocurrency as much as you can. The trader who has the biggest amount of profit at the end of the round will win $100 to their real trading account as bonus funds. And the trader who has the biggest amount of profit at the end of 12 rounds will receive the Super Prize.
主要奖项$100 | 获奖名额3 |
比赛/轮的时期2024年6月24日 - 2024年7月20日 | |
This round will finish:2024年7月31日 |
以一个模拟账户的控制权由SuperForex预充电以$ 1000 然后你有2周用这些资金交易,使尽可能多的利润成为可能。在每一轮的顶部年底起交易者在交易基金(分别第一,第二和第三名,)100,$ 50和$ 30奖励给他们的真实账户。
Holy Apples
EndedApple iPhone 15 will be released in September 2023. SuperForex launches a new Holy Apples contest. We will take TOP-10 traders who traded Apple shares with the highest profit. The super prize will be raffled among them. So trade Apple shares during the period of the contest and you might be the owner of a new iPhone 15.
Super IB Challenge
EndedProve you are the best SuperForex partner over the course of this contest! For six months participants in the Super IB Challenge will have to attract as many active customers as they can. What matters most for this competition is not the number of customers, but the total deposit amount within the affiliate group during the contest period. The first three partners to reach the contest targets will win amazing prizes.
EndedForexGP is a competition for people using our Forex Copy system. Both Masters and Followers are eligible for participation. By registering for the contest, you will get a lucky ticket which then becomes part of our lottery for prizes. You will have a chance to win an incredible Kawasaki sports bike.
Ended补充您的帐户来参与我们的抽奖奖品,其中包括一个iPhone X和小蜜弥A1。只要报名参加比赛,并至少$ 100存款到您的帐户。每个$ 100给你的彩票1项,所以你越存,您会收到多个条目。我们宣布获奖者非常2个月现场直播。
Ended到2018年重大体育赛事 - 世界杯俄罗斯 - 是一半多一点了一年,所以SuperForex公司决定适用于所有的投资者,特别是足球迷竞争。SuperForex联赛是SuperForex的新竞赛。本次大赛是开放给谁创造与我们真实账户的客户。登记后在本场比赛的所有成员自动开始收集点奖励。
Ended抽奖是您的帐户收取轻松的方式。所有你需要的注册是免费的!注册后,你会得到一个随机的彩票号码。在两个月的时间中奖号码将从参与者的池中,这个数字的幸运业主之间绘制将接收(以另一种货币或等值,如果客户首选)的$ 300的奖金。