Pompeo: "We are honest and we want to cooperate."

Economic News
31 de jul. de 2018
Pompeo: "We are honest and we want to cooperate."

The British pound is trying to strengthen due to the fact that the interest rate is expected to increase this Thursday to 0.75%. There is also a noticeable activation of "bulls" in the markets and for the second day in a row the British currency has been regaining its positions from the dollar. Furthermore, the British government is going on vacation and further talks on Brexit will take place only in mid-August. We can assume that the British pound can strengthen until the beginning of autumn.

Mike Pompeo spoke at the US Chamber of Commerce with statements about China before going to Asia. He voiced the sentiment that the US does not want rivalry between the countries, but cooperation. He also explained that if you work with American companies, you will always know with whom and on what terms, as everything is honestly spelled out in contracts. Against the backdrop of a drop in shares of technology companies, the Nasdaq Composite Index declined by more than 1 percent. Netflix shares fell more than 3%, and shares of Facebook continued to fall, losing another $4 during yesterday's trading session.

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Economic News

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Economic News

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Economic News

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