الأخبار والتحليلات الاقتصادية

EUR/USD Technical Analysis & Daily Chart

Technical Analysis

EUR/USD Technical Analysis & Daily Chart

The pair is giving us mixed signals today, but we can try to sell.

٠٤ يونيو ٢٠١٨
Event Overview

Economic News

Event Overview

٠٤ يونيو ٢٠١٨
The Trade War is Starting

Economic News

The Trade War is Starting

The US has decided to slam the EU, Mexico, and Canada with tariffs, alongside China.

٠١ يونيو ٢٠١٨
NZD/USD: Review & Forecast

Technical Analysis

NZD/USD: Review & Forecast

The current rapid downward trend is losing its intensity. However, the deals to SELL still seem the most effective after the price correction.

٠١ يونيو ٢٠١٨
Exchanging Tariffs Begins

Economic News

Exchanging Tariffs Begins

٠١ يونيو ٢٠١٨
USD/JPY Technical Overview & Daily Chart

Technical Analysis

USD/JPY Technical Overview & Daily Chart

The yen will continue to lose positions today.

٣١ مايو ٢٠١٨
Tariffs Hit the EU

Economic News

Tariffs Hit the EU

The United States are about to announce whether the EU will be permanently exempt from tariffs or not.

٣١ مايو ٢٠١٨
Markets Turn Around

Economic News

Markets Turn Around

٣١ مايو ٢٠١٨
EUR/USD Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis

EUR/USD Technical Analysis

The pair is drawing the fourth wave currently.

٣١ مايو ٢٠١٨