Analytics and Economic News

Economic News

Market Overview, December 4

More mixed announcements regarding the trade war are coming in today.

Anna Sneider
04 gru 2019

Economic News

Market Overview, December 3

Trump announced more tarrifs, may postpone deal with China for one more year.

Anna Sneider
03 gru 2019

Technical Analysis

USD/JPY Technical Analysis

We need to wait for a more definitive signal.

Anna Sneider
03 gru 2019

Technical Analysis

EUR/USD Technical Analysis

The indicators of technical analysis recommend a strong sell today.

Anna Sneider
02 gru 2019

Economic News

China Wants All Tariffs Removed

There are more details about the trade negotiations available.

Anna Sneider
02 gru 2019
Trump Signs Hong Kong Democracy Legislation | November 22, 2019

Weekly Review

Trump Signs Hong Kong Democracy Legislation | November 22, 2019

Donald Trump has signed a bill to support the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong.

Robert Thompson
29 lis 2019

Fundamental Analysis

GBP/JPY: Fundamental Review & Forecast

Political factors affect the rates of the GBP/JPY and contribute to the strengthening of the pound against the weakening yen.

Stanislav Litinskyi
29 lis 2019

Economic News

Oil Set to Disappoint Next Year Too

Things are not looking up for the crude oil market.

Anna Sneider
29 lis 2019

Economic News

Market Overview, November 29

While the US markets are on holiday, Europe surprised investors with positive reports today.

Anna Sneider
29 lis 2019